When you have ice cream, you’re getting a treat that’s high in calories and fat. That’s because it’s made by churning and chilling a mixture containing high-fat milk, cream, glucose and fructose-based sweeteners, and flavorings. This mixture is then frozen, and it develops a thick, creamy texture. But what does this sweet treat do to your health?
High-fat dairy foods like ice cream are less likely to have issues ovulating than low-fat dairy foods
A recent study found that high-fat dairy products like ice cream and milk are less likely to lead to infertility in women. In fact, the consumption of three or more servings of milk and other dairy products each week was associated with a lower risk of infertility. Women who consumed two or more servings of low-fat dairy products per week were 85 percent more likely to have trouble ovulating, compared to those who only ate one or two servings a week.
The study findings contradict conventional health advice. Women who ate two servings of low-fat dairy foods daily had an increased risk of ovulatory infertility. Conversely, those who ate one or two servings of high-fat dairy products per day had a reduced risk of anovulatory infertility.
High-calorie content of ice cream can cause weight gain
Although ice cream is loaded with nutrients like calcium and protein, its high-calorie content is a significant contributor to weight gain. However, it does contain important nutrients such as vitamin D and vitamin A. If consumed in moderation, ice cream consumption will not lead to obesity.
Most commercially produced ice cream is loaded with sugar and fat. In addition to its high-calorie content, it’s often served as a dessert, meaning that it can add extra calories to an already full meal. Because of this, ice cream should be considered an occasional treat, and ideally, a snack that’s made with fewer than 15 grams of sugar per serving. Using a smaller scoop is an easy way to make healthier ice cream. Another healthy option is to make your own ice cream by using frozen fruit and Greek yogurt.
Ice cream also contains small amounts of calcium, dietary fiber, and protein. These nutrients play a crucial role in regulating weight. As long as you don’t exceed the recommended daily ice cream serving size, you’ll be able to enjoy a large amount of ice cream without putting on too much weight.
It can cause heart attacks
Many people love ice cream, but eating too much can be bad for your cardiovascular health. A heart attack happens when something prevents the heart from receiving the normal blood flow it needs to function properly. Without the blood flow, the heart cannot pump blood and cannot get the oxygen it needs to function properly.
Calcium is an important nutrient for our heart, which is necessary for proper blood clotting and the proper heartbeat. It is also necessary for strong bones, and the human body contains about 95% of it in the skeleton. However, consuming too much calcium can lead to a heart attack or coronary artery disease.
It can cause tooth decay
Although ice cream is filled with sugar and can lead to tooth decay, the sweet treat is not as bad as it seems. It’s not the worst food for your teeth, but it is important to brush and floss at least twice a day, especially after eating something sugary. This will help protect your teeth from acids produced by bacteria in your mouth while you eat.
Ice cream is a great summer treat, but its high sugar content can lead to tooth decay. For this reason, you’ll want to opt for low or sugar-free options. Even some low-sugar versions may contain sugar substitutes that are not good for your teeth.
It can increase your chances of becoming pregnant
A recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Nutrition suggests that women who eat lots of ice cream and low-fat dairy products have a higher risk of anovulatory infertility. However, the study cautions that more research is needed. Also, eating ice cream is bad for your overall health.
Ice cream contains very little calcium. It would increase the amount of calcium you take in, but you would be eating more sugar and unhealthy fat. These would outweigh the benefits of calcium. A better alternative is yogurt or almonds, which are rich in calcium.